Woo!! I had a wonderful day today. Lolx! Hence, i decided to blog it down before the memories get out of my head. =pTalking about today..well, I meet dear dear @ 4pm at Newton mrt station to take train to vivo city. At first, i thought baobei is going to bring me to watch movie. However, it turn out to be NO. But it is alright coz I had a good time walking around shops to get facial products as well as some food from the supermarket. We took some pictures at the highest level out in the open space. We sat on the steps and dear-dear made a heart-shape with a $10/- note. Very nice!! =) It is very windy la! Later you see one of the picture you'll know. My hair messy messy one coz of the silly wind. =.=" Still, baobei went ahead in taking the pictures. Ha Ha!! He said the more messy it is, the better. LOL!!! After which, we went to the safari to see doggies. They are so cute la! Especially the Maltese and golden retriever playing with the ball and running around while the guy pace up and down. Oh! During dinner time, we went over to World Trade Center the Ramien shop to have our meal. Wow!!! I must tell you..when the food was here, i thought that the noodle will not be that hot. However, it turned out that me and baobei were on FIRE after we ate it. Our lips were like red swollen and we were searching for water. LOL!!! =p But, you know what? The sensation of the 'hotness' only last a while coz the hotness subsided after about 15 minutes. We went to the supermarket to get drinks. Then went over to the bus interchange and took Bus 963 home.
Another weird incident happened on our journey back home. We sat behind this guy who is real funny. I am not sure if he is chanting some buddha recitals or is a crazy person. He keep on mumbling right from the time we board the bus all the way till i reach home. I wanna faint sia! The guy sitting next to him was reading his book and once in a while stare at what he is mumbling about. Ha Ha!!! Anyway, me and baobei were sitting behind quietly and listened to what he is chanting. Well, i reached home safe and sound. Below are the pictures.
Messy hair with the strong wind.
Another shot with the silly wind. =p
*Yummy* right? This is what Baobei had.
I had this hot & spicy la la noodle. Hot yet delicious!